Ekklesia Christian Life Fellowship

Ekklesia Christian Life Fellowship is a non-traditional way of doing church. Instead of church centering around activities, programs, and a large corporate gathering on a Sunday morning, we seek to have ministry flow through small groups (cells) and our regular celebration services.

These cells groups are gatherings of 8 to 15 individuals that meet in people's homes, where meaningful relationship can develop and Christlike virtues practiced. We view our larger corporate gathering as a celebration service—celebrating what God has done and is doing through us by His Spirit.

The role of our leadership is likewise distinct. Instead of our leadership engaged in doing all the work of the ministry, they are released to fulfill their biblical role of equippers, trainers, and modelers of the Christian life so that every member in the church becomes empowered to help with the ministry in their small group.

Cells may comprise couples, single adults, men only, women only, adults and children, or any combination of these. Whatever the grouping, members will learn practical, biblical ideas that will make their family or single life work better. The open free discussion will emphasize application to daily life.

The leader of each home group receives careful training and supervision.

Small Groups (Cells) will meet regularly each week. They can either meet at the same residence each week or rotate to each member's home. The corporate meeting where all the cell groups come together for a regular church service is called a "Celebration" service. The style of the Celebration service will be more in order of a banquet .

Since our ministry focus will not include the upkeep of a building, the resources of the church will go directly to edification of the members of the church through the training of cell group leaders, holding of special help seminars and workshops, and benevolence to needy people in our church.