The list below contain the outlines of Pastor McCowan's sermons. For viewing the videos are listed separately.
Date | Title | Sermon |
Jan. 9, 2010 |
The name of the Pastor McCowan's sermon was “U before I” and shared how we can be Christlike when it runs against our basic nature. Outline, Bulletin. | |
Jan. 23, 2010 | Tragic Times - Pastor McCowan spoke on the recent tragedy in Haiti and how some godly people are predicting more is to come not only to this world of ours but also for this country. The question will be are we ready for hard times? Outline, Bulletin. | |
Feb. 6, 2010 | ![]() |
Tonight was our 10th Anniversary for our church having regular corporate gatherings. Ekklesia - Pastor McCowan expanded upon his sermon he did at our first Celebration Service and how it still applies to our church today. The title of pastor’s sermon was “What is God’s Purpose for the Church?” Outline. |
Feb. 20, 2010 | ![]() |
Ekklesia (Part II) - Pastor McCowan again spoke on the purpose of the church and how the Centripetal Model of missions is so important to our understanding on how God wants to use the Church. Focus was on how the promises that God gave Abraham are still important for us today. Outline, Bulletin. |
Mar. 6, 2010 | ![]() |
What's Eating Jonah? - Pastor McCowan spoke on Jonah & the Whale and how the key point of this Old Testament book is often missed or misrepresented. Outline, Bulletin. |
Apr. 3, 2010 | ![]() |
Why I Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ - Pastor McCowan spoke on the topic of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and how it is so important to our faith as it is authentic history. Outline, Bulletin. |
May 1, 2010 | ![]() |
How to Survive [almost] Anything - Pastor McCowan spoke on the subject of Black Swans and how we can use our faith to cope with these evil birds. Outline, Bulletin. |
May 15, 2010 | ![]() |
May the Nations be glad and sing for joy . . . - Pastor McCowan spoke on the subject of the nations and how man’s attempt to bring peace on the earth hasn't really worked. Even institutions like the United Nations with all its efforts, programs, and money is seemingly having great difficulty. However, according to Prophet Isaiah, there is one who is up to the challenge and will one day settle all disputes and bring peace to the earth. Outline, Bulletin |
May 29, 2010 | ![]() |
Going Forward: Learning to Trust in God - Pastor McCowan spoke on the subject of disappointment and discouragement and how we can use our faith to restore our outlook and well-being. The title of tonight’s sermon is “Going Forward: Learning to Trust in God.” Outline, Bulletin. |
June 12, 2010 | ![]() |
Keys to the Kingdom: Overcoming Crisis - Pastor McCowan spoke on the subject of our economy and how both global and domestic circumstances are causing many to be filled with anxiety and fear. The purpose of Pastor McCowan’s sermon was not to generate more fear and anxiety but to give practical instruction in how we can use the keys to God’s Kingdom to be overcomers. Outline, Bulletin |
July 24, 2010 | ![]() |
The PiiUS Sensor - Pastor McCowan spoke on the subject of a brand new technological development that is sure to bring a great improvement to our healthcare system. In fact, this new device has the capacity to greatly reduce the number heart attacks each year. The name of this device is called PiiX (pronounced pie-ex), but can it monitor people’s spiritual condition too? Outline, Bulletin |
Aug. 7, 2010 | ![]() |
A Field Guide to Narcissism - Pastor McCowan spoke on the topic of narcissism (self-love) and how we can identify this problem in ourselves and overcome its absurdity by using the power that is found in God’s Word. “Vanity of vanities! All is vanity” (Ecclesiastes 1:2) Outline, Bulletin |
Aug. 21, 2010 | ![]() |
Soul Scanner - Pastor McCowan spoke on the topic of Airport security and how full-body scans from machines can offer us better protection from terrorists and other “man-made” disasters. If only we had something like this to help us with judging the thoughts and motives of people’s souls maybe we would really have something that would be very helpful for everyone. Outline, Bulletin |
Aug. 28, 2010 | ![]() |
Why Didn't Mordecai bow the Knee? - Pastor McCowan spoke on the topic of being tolerant and how being tolerant to our enemies can be very dangerous and even jeopardize the safety and security of our families. Outline, Bulletin. |
Sep. 11, 2010 | ![]() |
God Speaks: But are we listening - Pastor McCowan spoke on the topic of hearing from God and how easy it is to miss what He might be saying to us. In aviation, pilots practice what is called a Sterile Cockpit procedures to help with being focused during critical times of flight. In fact, here at the Lexington Bluegrass Airport, we know how costly and dangerous distractions can be. Outline, Bulletin |
Sep. 18, 2010 | ![]() |
The Mooflower - Pastor McCowan shared about his and Sally’s trip to Massachusetts to see their son Chris and the discoveries they made at Plymouth. There are apparently a lot of things we don’t know about the Pilgrims and why they risked their lives to come to America. Outline, Bulletin. |
Sep. 25, 2010 | ![]() |
Learned Optimism - Pastor McCowan’s sermon was called "Learned Optimism" and was center on how we can learn to be positive people by focusing on what we have, instead of what we don't have. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done. However, if we look at the ABCDEs of "learned optimism" instead of the ABCDEs of "learned pessimism" our lives may be a lot more rewarding. Outline, Bulletin. |
Oct. 2, 2010 | ![]() |
Learned Optimism II - Pastor McCowan continued his message on setbacks and how we can learn to be overcomers by focusing on our strengths, the strength of others around us, and goodness and grace of God. Outline, Bulletin. |
Oct 23, 2010 | ![]() |
Situational Awareness - Pastor McCowan spoke on the subject of “Situational Awareness” and how it can help us to comprehend our surroundings so that we can make quick judgments on what is likely to happen next. In Luke 21, Jesus gives his disciples a briefing on situational awareness as he clues them in on what to expect in the future. Outline, Bulletin. |
Oct. 30, 2010 | ![]() |
Those Crazy Prophets of God - Pastor McCowan shared on the ministries of Elijah and Elisha and how in these men’s ministry, the Lord would perform great and awesome miracles that confirmed these men as His spokesmen. However, to bring about these miracles, these prophets would first demand faith actions that were often bizarre and irrational. In this sermon Pastor McCowan explored the reason for these CRAZY methods and why they are so important for us to understand as believers in Jesus Christ. Outline, Bulletin. |
Nov. 20, 2010 | ![]() |
Post-Traumatic Growth - What does Hilbert Caesar and the Apostle Paul have in common? The answer is that both suffered from Post-Traumatic growth. Both felt the pain of setbacks and both felt the despair that comes from hardships. Nevertheless, the story does not end there. Both were overcomers and both became heroes. As we will see, sometimes setbacks, bring unforeseen results that are not only good but very beneficial for our spiritual growth. Outline, Bulletin. |
Dec. 4, 2010 | ![]() |
God's Gadgets - Pastor McCowan asked a question about the nature of God and why people frequently put God in a box. In other words, Pastor McCowan helped everyone to understand the mysteries of God’s nature by looking at this season’s gift ideas for Christmas. So what do Astroturf and cell phone chargers have in common? What do movies have to do with belts? What do printers have to do with toast? The theme to the sermon was how things can compliment each other in ways we might find hard to imagine. Outline, Bulletin |
Dec. 11, 2010 | ![]() |
The Stuff Crisis - Pastor McCowan spoke on the subject of stuff and how in many of our American homes we have so much stuff we have to rent storage space to store more of our stuff. With Christmas on the horizon, who can save us from all this stuff? Outline, Bulletin |
Dec. 18, 2010 | ![]() |
Neon Christmas - Pastor McCowan spoke on the subject of neon signs and how this month we are celebrating the invention of the “neon light.” For decades in the United States, neon signs have provided people direction and information. Pastor McCowan also shared how people of the Old Testament received their direction in a day and era when there was no electricity or neon signs. Outline, Bulletin |