Ekklesia Christian Life Fellowship

The list below contain the outlines of Pastor McCowan's sermons.


Sermon List
Date Title Sermons
Feb. 10th

Pastor McCowan’s sermon was entitled “The Cure: the Importance of Having the Essential Element of Epignosis in Our Spirit.”

This sermon aims to help us understand how we can become pneumatikos—mature people who can discern right and wrong so well that they can keep themselves in God’s good, pleasing, and perfect will.

Bulletin, Outline

Mar. 2nd

Watching the news today can be a real challenge for many of us to keep our sanity and peace of mind. It seems the guilty are getting away with murder, and political correctness is more important than prudence and common sense.

Pastor McCowan shared why we don’t have to worry and how we can rest in God’s faithfulness. The title of Pastor McCowan’s sermon is “Don’t Worry, Be Happy.”

Bulletin, Outline

Apr. 13th

Pastor McCowan's sermon was about how the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the foundation of our hope.

While it is good to have hope or optimism about our future, it should be nevertheless something more than just wishful thinking.

The title of Pastor McCowan's sermon was “Is Optimism a Brain Disorder?"

Bulletin, Outline

May 11th

Pastor McCowan's sermon was entitled "How to Conquer the World."

It was a contrast Napoleon Bonaparte's rise and conquest of much of Europe with Jesus's conquest and the nature of his conquest in the Bible. While both were types of kings, God gave only one honor.

Bulletin, Outline

Jun. 8th

Changes in circumstances are the top reason for broken promises or unfulfilled guarantees. People or companies may lack resources or underestimate costs, leading them to seek legal ways out of their commitments. Not so, with God. He doesn’t need a lawyer. He is the El Shaddai! When he promises, he fulfills.

Pastor McCowan's sermon was entitled, "El Shaddai: the one who keeps his promieses."

Bulletin, Outline.

Jul. 13th

Two of the most colorful men of the Old Testament were two prophets by the name of Elijah and Elisha. In these men's ministry, the Lord often performed great and marvelous miracles that confirmed these men as His prophets and spokesmen. In their quest to show God's power, these prophets often called for faith actions that were seemingly bizarre and irrational.

The title of Pastor McCowan's sermon was "Let's Get Crazy." Bulletin, Outline.

Aug. 10th

Are you looking to shed a few pounds but don’t like feeling hungry? Keto, caveman, and intermittent fasting diets aren’t working for you.

Pastor McCowan's Miracle Diet plan offers complete satisfaction, purpose, and eternal life.

Unfortunately, most will reject this plan even though it comes from Jesus himself.

Bulletin, Outline.

Sep. 7th

No one wants to run out of gas. And EV owners don’t want to run out of electricity.

This fear of running out of juice leads us to wonder if God will make sure we have enough power to make it through life. Job didn’t have a car, but he had similar anxiety as he struggled through adversity, looking for a spiritual recharge.

Pastor McCowan's sermon was entitled, Range Anxiety. Bulletin, Outline

Oct. 12th

Pastor McCowan sermon was entitled, "Night Vision."

The theme was how through imitating Christ, we can become mature and through the Holy Spirit discern how to keep ourselves in God's good, pleasing, and perfect will.

Bulletin, Outline.

Nov. 9th

Pastor McCowan sermon was entitled, "Desired Paths."

The theme was how to stay on the right path, the right path of faith. His text was from 1st Thessalonians 2:13-3:8.

Bulletin, Ouline.

Dec. 14th

Did you know that the Apostle Paul used the metaphor of changing one’s clothes to describe what Pastor McCowan called Replacement Discipleship?

It is the idea we must remove our old spiritual garments before we can don new ones.

Pastor McCowan’s text came come from Colossians 3:12-17, and the title of his sermon was “Let Us Put On Our Big Boy Pants.”

Bulletin, Outline